
Bill Fox

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California dreamin' a new world beyond leadership as we know it today.

California Dreamin’ A new world beyond leadership as we know it today. Hello Reader, I remember growing up and spending summer vacation mornings at my best friend Pete’s house. We’d crank up his stereo and listen to The Beach Boys at full blast. Their music seemed to tap into something deeper that we didn’t fully understand back then, but we all felt it. They weren’t just singing about California. They were creating a world where we could be our true selves—a place where living and playing...

The Profound Implications of the Medium of Leadership Hello Reader, I’ve been fascinated by the work of Marshall McLuhan, who famously said “the medium is the message,” ever since a colleague introduced me to his ideas several years ago. His exploration of media and technology was ahead of its time. Paradoxally, McLuhan helped us see how the tools we create ultimately shape us in return. Contrary to what most of us believe, McLuhan pointed out that the medium itself has a greater impact than...

Innovation isn’t about adding. It’s about subtracting. The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out.– Dee Hock, Founder and CEO Emeritus, Visa Hello Reader, Dee Hock, the visionary behind Visa, understood this paradox deeply. He knew that true breakthroughs come not from piling on new ideas, but from stripping away the crusty layers of old thinking. We all carry mental baggage such as assumptions, habits, and fears that keep us attached...

How to Escape the Matrix to Awaken Your Inner Leader The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us… It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. – Morpheus, The Matrix (1999) Hello Reader, The movie The Matrix has never resonated more deeply with me than it does today. In our every day lives, we often fail to recognize the extent of our societal conditioning. We are like fish unaware of the water we swim in. However, when you begin to liberate yourself from...

Scaffolding Purpose and Authentic Leadership Click on the image to download from the Amplify journal download page. Hello Reader, In a world obsessed with hustle, striving, and external validation, dare to explore a different path. A path where leadership and purpose don't emerge from titles or checklists, but from within. From quieting the noise and letting a deeper intelligence guide us.In my latest article for Amplify, I share my 15-year journey of discovery—the shift from mental...

Why Leadership Advice Hasn’t Evolved in Decades and What’s Missing “Most of us are weary of hearing yet another list of essential traits, behaviors, and tasks for effective leadership.”— Dr. Roy Hinton, Associate Dean, George Mason University I read those words from Dr. Hinton over a decade ago in the Foreword to 9 Lenses Insight to Action by renowned turnaround CEO Edwin Miller. Since then, our social media and business press have flooded us with literally millions more of these lists. At...

Why You Should Question the Typical Advice on Leading Change Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash Hello Reader,The Limits of Conventional Change Models We’re constantly bombarded with advice on how to navigate change. Most of it centers around controlling outcomes, overcoming resistance, and minimizing risk. From behavioral frameworks to management strategies, the guidance is often the same: manage the resistance and keep people engaged. While these models can be helpful and are well...

What if we don't need more leadership models, skills, and quick-fix solutions? Hello Reader,What if we don't need more leadership models, skills, and quick-fix solutions. What if all we need to do is the inner work to uncover the leader hidden inside? Please read and let me know what you think: How to uncover the hidden dimension of leadership you already possess. — Bill Bill Fox, Founder, LeaderONEPioneering Leadership from Within | Unlocking Human and Organizational Potential

Stillness in Motion The Art of Awareness-Centered Leadership Hello Reader,In a world full of distractions, true leadership emerges from a centered state of awareness, where clarity and purpose shine through the noise of thoughts, ego, and surroundings. This approach to leadership emphasizes the power of awareness and being fully available and attuned to their team, situations, and themselves. This enables leaders to navigate challenges with calm, focused intention and wisdom. It's not just...

The Paradox of Inner Leadership Why Few Hear the Call to Profound Change The Ever Changing Mississippi River Delta (Credit: AP) Hello Reader,The journey of inner leadership is a profound paradox. It offers a gateway to unimaginable new ways of seeing, leading, and being. The benefits and transformations are deep and far-reaching, touching every aspect of one's life and work. Yet, paradoxically, few heed this call or embark on this path. Why? It seems that our ego-driven minds resist the very...